How to Start a Business?

How to Start a Business?

When I started selling my own products last year, girls quickly began to gravitate towards me. They would slide in my DM and ask me, "How do I start a business." or how did I start my business rather.  But to me, starting a business is the easy part. Maintaining a profitable business is the tough part. 


To answer this question, I would say be (1)RELENTLESS. Be well (2)RESEARCHED and plugged in to your industry and your specific product or service. 

(3)Keep your hands open, don't be one sided and always expect to receive. Remember you can not reap if you never sow.

(4)Have good karma surrounding you. Don't be out here being reckless!

(5)The survival of your business depends on your ability to push through tough times. You cant get fired from your own shit. Failure is simply a choice so you have to stay encouraged. 


Within the beauty industry itself, find something you would like to see on the market. That's what I did. I took inspiration from the market had to offer and I added to it. I looked at what was around me and decided I was going to improve upon it. 



  • uvlqxgbvrd

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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